Heart of Invictus
Dir. Orlando Von Einsiedel
Prod. Joanna Natasegara
5 x Episodes
Heart of Invictus follows a group of extraordinary competitors from around the globe, all service members who have experienced life-changing injuries or illnesses, on their road to the invictus games the hague.
The multi-episode series joins the competitors as they train, and along the way reveal powerful stories of resilience and hope. the series also follows the organizers as they work to prepare for the games alongside each nation’s team, supporting the competitors as well as their friends and families.
Mo Farah: Race of His Life
Dir. Joe Pearlman
Fulwell 73
1 x 60 min BBC1
Own the start line
Mo Farah: Race of his Life charts Mo's brutal training schedule, and goes behind the scenes of family life in the build-up to the 2016 Rio Olympics.
Sex: My British Job
Dir. Nick Broomfield
1 x 62 min C4
Full film
Nick Broomfield met journalist Hsiao Hung Pai when making his feature film 'Ghosts'. As an experiment, and using the latest in undercover technology, Nick worked with Hsiao to make an undercover film set in a Chinese brothel in Finchley.
Agony & Ecstasy: A Year with English National Ballet
Dir. Rob Farquhar
Tiger Aspect
3 x 60 mins BBC4
Nomination Editing Factual
Episode 1 Swan Lake
Prog 2 Clip
Episode 2 Romeo & Juliet
Episode 3 Nutcracker
Exclusive behind-the-scenes series which follows English National ballet on their 60th anniversary and reveals the complexities of staging world class ballet.
This raw and enlightening series follows the company over one of its toughest and most dramatic years to date - from the extravagant production of Swan Lake and the battles of Romeo and Juliet to the turbulent creation of a brand new Christmas Nutcracker.
I Scored a Goal in a FIFA World Cup Final
Dir. Daniel Gordon
Passion Pictures
3 x short docs
"Gerson", "Grosso" "My favourite goal"

Since its inception in 1930 only 56 people have scored a goal in the World Cup Final. Of those 35 were alive in 2010. It includes bathroom salesman Dick Nanninga and retired insurance salesman Martin Peters. It does not include Johan Cruyff, Diego Maradona, or Lionel Messi. It is the most exclusive club in football.
A Time Comes
Dir. Nick Broomfield
Short doc
This film by acclaimed director Nick Broomfield celebrates the spirit of direct action. It focuses on 6 Greenpeace volunteers who in 2008 were tried and acquitted for shutting down Kingsnorth power station, in protest at the government's plans to build a new generation of dirty coal-fired power plants.
Eddie Izzard: Marathon Man
4 x 60 mins BBC 1 + 3
Dir. Rob Farquhar
Tiger Aspect
Clip The last 10 days montage
Eddie Izzard is an actor, comedian and part-time transvestite, but no one thought he was much of an athlete. Until he decided to go for a run - a very, very long run.
This series follows Eddie's Sport Relief challenge running an astonishing 43 marathons in 51 days. Eddie, trailed by his very own bespoke ice cream van, is followed by a film crew on a motorised rickshaw recording every minute of every mile.
Football Magic
Dir. Rob Ryan
1 x 60 mins BBC 3
Clip End Game
Travelling to Africa, actor John Simm investigates the role of the juju man in African football. Juju is big business in African football and most African teams, at both club and national level, keep an official witch doctor on their staff. These men are seen as so important to the success of the team that in some cases clubs have chosen to pay higher wages to the juju than the players.
The Toughest Sheriff in America
Dir. Max Jourdan
1 x 60 mins Ch5
Clip "Scott"
In one American jail, the self-styled and publicly elected Toughest Sheriff in America, Joe Arpaio is pushing right wing penal rhetoric to the limit. Some of his policies include the reintroduction of chain gangs for men and women - "I'm an equal opportunities incarcerator", explains Sheriff Joe; the wearing of cartoon like black and white striped uniforms and the reduction of jail regime to the bare essentials. "It actually costs more to feed our police dogs than it does the inmates". During his election year this documentary explores the consequences.